Get 50% OFF Lifetime Access to the Upgrade Your Life Masterclass! 

We are living through a very uncertain time...

Are you feeling the weight of the world right now?

Maybe you feel stuck, anxious, overwhelmed, full of self-doubt, and worried about the future...

First, please understand that this is normal. There are so many things happening on a global level.

Second, please understand that you don't have to feel this way any longer!

Imagine if you were finally able to overcome your stress and worry, gain financial freedom, and live a life of purpose and passion!

It's all entirely possible!

This life-transforming course will help you do just that!

Gain all the tools you need to take your life from mediocre to magical. Now is the best time to live a joyful life of abundance, freedom, and purpose.

Upgrade Your Life Will Help You...

  • Manifest Your Dream Life

    Using the Law of Attraction, and intention setting that actually works, you will see results beginning on day one. This masterclass has all the tools you need in order to understand the Law of Attraction and use it in all areas of your life.

  • Build Confidence and Self Love

    Using many different modalities, you will learn how to feel more confident in yourself, your abilities, and your dreams. You will also gain an understanding of many self-care and self-love practices you can use daily.

  • Gain Financial Freedom

    You will learn to release your limiting beliefs regarding money and how to use your mindset to create a life full of abundance.

  • Overcome Stress, Anxiety, and Worry

    This course will provide the tools you need to use uncertainty to your advantage. You will learn how to manage your stress and stop worrying for good.

  • Discover Your Purpose

    If you have been having a difficult time discovering your passions, Upgrade Your Life will provide the necessary guidance and tools for you to find what lights you up inside -- and make it a reality, too.

  • Let go of Fear, Limiting Beliefs, Self-Doubt

    Your fear, limiting beliefs, and self-doubt may be the biggest things that are holding you back. This course provides numerous integrative journal prompts and methods for letting go of these, so you can live with joy and complete confiidence.

What's Inside:

  • 1

    Week 1: Introduction, Core Principles, and the Law of Attraction

    • Introduction and Core Principles

    • Law of Attraction Made Easy

    • Handout Week 1

  • 2

    Week 2: Beginning to Change - Clarity and Letting Go

    • Beginning to Change - Clarity and Letting Go

    • Handout Week 2

  • 3

    Week 3: Creating the Change - Remembering Your Why and Self Love

    • Creating the Change - Remembering Your Why and Self Love

    • Handout Week 3

  • 4

    Week 4: Taking Action and Trusting in the Process

    • Taking Action and Trusting in the Process

    • Handout Week 4

  • 5

    Week 5: Money Mindset and Practicing Self Care

    • Money Mindset and Practicing Self Care

    • Handout Week 5

  • 6

    Conclusion: Before You Go...

    • Before You Go...

    • Conclusion Handout

Meet the Instructor

Life Transformation and Wellness Coach

Trevor Carroll

Trevor is a certified life and wellness coach, personal trainer, and entrepreneur. Every day, he helps people just like you find their purpose and passion for life. Trevor coaches people on building confidence, goal setting, spirituality, life transformation, and wellness.

Now is the best time to Upgrade Your Life!

You deserve to live with joy, abundance, and freedom!